The Australian Road Safety Foundation (ARSF), a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving road safety awareness, enhancing driver education and reducing the impact of road trauma, has endorsed the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries’ Genuine Is Best initiative.
ARSF founder and CEO Russell White says the alignment is a natural one for the Foundation given Genuine Is Best’s primary focus on the safety benefits delivered by the use of genuine replacement parts.
“Our vision is to drive the safety of every road user, every day, to achieve a significant year-on-year reduction in road deaths and injuries nationally,” Mr White said.
“Learning more about the availability of dodgy counterfeit parts and the risks involved with parallel import and salvage parts has been a real eye-opener, and it is clear consumers need to make an informed decision on how their vehicle is maintained or repaired,” he said.
Commenting on the ARSF’s endorsement, FCAI chief executive and Genuine Is Best spokesperson Tony Weber said: “An alliance with the ARSF offers scope for a range of joint initiatives, and we look forward to collaborating with Russell and his team.”
Recent ARSF campaigns include a pitch to residents to help make suburban streets safer by applying ‘Life Saving’ stickers to their refuse and recycling bins.
The large stickers, combining images of children stepping towards the road and speed limit signs, are designed to provide a strong visual road safety reminder to motorists.
The ARSF is also recognised internationally for its Fatality Free Friday campaign; Australia’s largest national community-based road safety initiative.
It is designed to focus public attention on road safety and encourage all road users to actively think and drive safely.
The core goal of the campaign is to ensure that there are no road crash fatalities around Australia during the last Friday in May.
Ultimately, the aim is to use this approach to improve road safety awareness and enhance road user behaviour every day of the year.
The Foundation’s ‘Australian Road Safety Awards’ also acknowledges the achievements of leading road safety stakeholders.
To learn more, visit: http://www.australianroadsafetyfoundation.com and http://www.australianroadsafetyawards.com.au.